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» » » How to recover a deleted file on your PC

Unknown 1:33 PM 0

The ease with which its computer files are sometimes handled  leads to dramatic errors: the most common is the unfortunate removal of a document. Is it possible to recover deleted files especially when you are not a small computer genius? Here are some tips to follow before total despair ....

How to recover a deleted file on your PC

However, where did you file?

Finally, you have just completed your report, you save on the hard drive, put your computer to sleep quietly and go about your other occupations, but now, when you open your file, you realize that this is an older version that appears: in your enthusiasm, you deleted the wrong document. Are you going to take your job?

First of all, your file still exists somewhere on your hard drive. The first step is to check the trash: with a little luck, you'll find your document. Had you thought? Moreover, it does not work? Moreover, on temporary files? Either?

In this case, close your browser and do not touch anything: your file is now stored in a location considered free by the operating system, which means it will be overwritten by new data as soon as the opportunity arises present. If your computer is always connected to the Internet, for example, your system continues to work and recover data: any way to take and to be good for him, he will not fail to write to the file you are trying to improve. Consequently, some manipulations are to being avoided:
uploading files or displacement;
manipulation of the basket;
Defragmenting the hard drive.

In the search of the lost file ... 

It is now that you need help: single-software data recovery will bail you out. Well ... maybe ... There are free versions quite successful, and as you are the type providing you have installed a long time. Do I not? In this case, it must be done, except that if you understand this, you know that any operation on your hard drive will overwrite the desired file.

To overcome this impasse, use an executable software from a USB stick. After running this software, there are more than be guided: you select the partition to examine (your hard drive), and you will look in the results display something similar to you are. The system certainly having renamed, it will be patient for the spot.

Moreover, if you cabbage, you can always go to step pay by buying a more powerful software or by using a company that goes rummaging through your hard drive. Finally, if your file has retrieved in one way, or another, it may not be a beautiful sight because it may not lack many data. However, then, you can not do more!

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