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Windows phone a new device, this is the new platform for mobile phones Microsoft. It allows you to create applications for smartphones equipped with Windows Phone operating system. Appeared initially in its version 7, Windows Phone is currently in version 8.


Microsoft comes out with its new operating system for smartphones in order to compete with the two giants Apple and Google.

History, mobility at Microsoft

For a long time, Microsoft has mobile equipment. We had at first devices with Windows CE time; this operating system was a variation of Windows designed for embedded systems. In particular, it was used extensively in the Pocket PC (Pocket PC). This version of Windows has optimized for devices with limited storage space.

Then check the range of Windows Mobile. This operating system have  used on smartphones, PDA or Pocket PC. He came to compete with Blackberry and allowed to receive emails, use office suite, .. This mobile very similar to Windows as we know, with its famous Start menu. It has Was widely used a stylus instead of the mouse.

With the new touch interfaces, Apple has emerged, and its famous iPhone came to revolutionize the way we used to date mobile devices. This gave a severe blow to old Windows Mobile ...

Renewal: Windows Phone 7

Microsoft, in turn, radically changed its operating system to make this shift in mobility by offering Windows Phone, the first version is the version 7, released in October 2010. This is not an evolution of Windows Mobile, except at the version numbering (insofar Windows Mobile stopped with version 6.5). Windows Phone 7 has redeveloped from scratch and comes up with a new look, at first named "Metro," more refined, highly responsive and intuitive and rewarding structured information.
Microsoft is positioning itself at odds with its previous operating systems and offers different concepts for its new OS, as the exclusive navigation finger for example. Rather, it is the public that only for businesses.

To be allowed to use the Windows Phone 7-operating system, a smartphone must meet minimum specifications. These specifications ensure that the application will have a minimum of power, avoiding having too slow applications. The screen should be at least 3.5 multipoint inches, and that is to say, it must be able to respond to multiple simultaneous pressures and to a resolution of 480x800. The phones must also have provided compulsorily some equipment, such as having a GPS, have a camera, accelerometer...
Each phone also possess three buttons integral to its chassis. The first button will go back, the second to access the menu and the last to do research.

Windows Phone 8

This is most recently with the release of Windows 8, and the Windows Phone operating system has changed from version also upgrade to version 8. Microsoft's goal is to unify up the heart of Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 to easily make links between them. Windows 8 is designed primarily for a tablet operating system, it seemed logical that Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8-share many features. Windows 8 is largely inspired by Windows Phone to create his style Modern UI, and it is now the turn of Windows Phone undergo major changes - Windows Phone 8 - to be closer to his big brother, Windows 8.

Many things have   shared between the two systems is the so-called "Shared Windows Core." Thus, it becomes very easy to create applications for Windows Phone 8 which require very little adaptation to run on Windows 8. This is one of the great strengths of Windows Phone 8.

Note that the Windows Phone 7 applications run on Windows Phone 8 is a good thing if you already own Windows Phone 7 applications and that they have not worn for WP8.
Windows Phone 8 is also more efficient thanks to the support of native code. It is thus possible to develop games in C + + using DirectX.

Windows Phone 8 brings more new screen resolutions: WVGA (800x480 pixels), WXVGA (1280x768), and "True 720p" (1280x720), with automatic adaptation of each.

The spirit Modern UI

Formerly known as "Metro" Modern UI is the name given by Microsoft to its design language. Rather than adapting the old interface of Windows Mobile, Windows Phone 7 it ​​was decided to start on a new design.

The name "Metro" was inspired by the shows that are in the subway stations and effectively guide travelers to their destinations. The displays are clear, precise, often minimalist and unadorned, for example, an arrow and an extensive 5 to indicate that this is where we will find the number 5 subway ... This is what should resemble the interfaces for Windows Phone. They should enhance the information and fluidity rather than heavy and loaded interfaces. The aim is to ensure that the user finds the earliest possible information they need and avoid unnecessary images or animations that might slow him down.
In this context, applications must be fluid and quickly respond to user actions, or at least tell him that his action have   taken into account. Sick of Windows or another where they do not even know if you clicked a button because nothing happens applications!

In 2012, Metro changed its name to Modern UI. Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 applications each must follow the standards set by the principles of "Modern UI."
Modern UI, therefore, is simple, clean and modern. Features have separated Hubs, which are spaces combining information from multiple data sources. Thus, there are several hubs as Hub "contacts" where phone contacts but also Facebook, Twitter contacts we find ... We also have the Hub "Photos," "music video," "Games" "Microsoft Office," "Windows Phone Store" or the hub "Enterprise" which will provide access to business applications via a portal that businesses can customize.

Home screen emulator which shows access Hubs and applications
Home screen emulator which shows access Hubs and applications
Once back in the Hub, we have access to more information arranged in the form of a panorama. We shall see a little further what the panorama but I can already tell you that displays screens cyclically with a side-scrolling. Thus, in the Hub of contact, we arrive at first on the list of all contacts. Screen panorama that can drag with your finger allows us to get on the next screen the list of recent activities of our contacts, and a list of recent contacts. Moreover, so is the other Hub, the goal is to have an entry point that centralizes all information relating to a point of interest.

It is with these principles in mind that you need to develop your application. Feel free to observe how others are doing, there are often good sources of inspiration to see what makes the design quality of the application.

Windows Phone Store

The applications we create have been   downloaded from the Windows Phone marketplace, still called Windows Phone Store. They can be free or paid, allowing its creator to generate income. On the store, we will also find music and videos.

As we have already mentioned in the introduction, we will learn how to develop for Windows Phone without necessarily owning a Windows Phone. This is an important point, although it will be very useful to have one, and you can not quite start.

By cons, to publish an application on the Windows Phone Store, it will have a developer account. It had charged $ 19 per year, which corresponds to 14 €.
Now you know everything about Windows Phone; it has time to learn how to create great applications!

Windows Phone is a new operating system from Microsoft for Smartphone.
It comes with a new design philosophy of applications: Modern UI.
Applications developed are downloadable via the online store (store) Microsoft.

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